Local Buying Tips

Local Buying Tips

Power Purchasing with Brandy Eckroth


  1. Decide to Buy.

Goals begin with a decision, and happen with a plan.  Proper –Prior Planning –Produces RESULTS.

How much can I afford?

  1. Call Brandy Eckroth to discuss your affordability factor.

 There is two budgets we review.

  1. Your affordability factor.
  2. The amount a lender will approve you for.

The Affordability Factor is the amount that you can afford on a long term (30 yr.) basis.  This takes into account future costs like, medical insurance, day care cost, commuter cost, and other factors.  These are not included in your approval amount from a lender.  Talking with Brandy Eckroth ahead of time allows you to plan ahead with your interest in mind.

What do homes cost in our area?

  1. Analysis the prices in your area verses the features you want in a home. 

With all goals comes a little dreaming, however it is better to be realistic about what you can afford. There is best to buy with in these orders:

  1. Location
  2. Condition
  3. Features & Benefits

The reality is many of us don’t stay in our homes forever. So it is advisable to buy location, since you must consider resale value later. Condition and features can be improved or changed, but location remains permanent.

Actions speak louder than words!

  1. Write a REAL budget.

Many write out a budget based on the basic monthly expenses.  When your home shopping a REAL budget is extremely important. This should include annual expenses, like DMV registration, common expenses like tires for your car, vacations, sports, hobbies, elec… These keep you in balance and should be included in your budget so you can live for life, not your mortgage. Keep in mind the many tax benefits to buying a home verse renting that may off set your overall costs.

Brandy offers her clients one on one Budget Builders to get you started. 

How much is my down payment?

  1. Deciding your down and how to save for it.

You cannot out save the market, many have tried.  It often rises faster than one can save.  It is best to establish your goals, analyze the market, and budget accordingly to assure you get in sooner than later.  Brandy helps her clients understand the loan programs available, and will teach you to know which programs will fit with the properties you have in mind. Each purchase is a puzzle, Brandy knows how each piece will fit, and is up to date on the market.

Can I get approved?

  1. Review your credit report.

Meeting with Brandy in the beginning will get you off to the right start. She gives you tools and advice on your credit.  How to build it, or what programs are available with the score you have. 

Even if your credit needs improvements, she can offer you the tools and support that with commitment will get you to the goal of owning your property.

You’ve done the work now you’re ready!

  1. Getting approved with a lender.

Getting approved first is what most agents expect from home buyers.  If your new to real estate, have a home to sell, or have had past credit issues you need an agent that can guide you to your goals. Getting your approval will be a breeze after working through the steps you’ve reviewed.  Brandy will guide you on the documents you’ll need, and together you’ll be ready.  Which is why she is –The Trusted Name in Real Estate.

You are ready to start shopping!

  1. Let’s shop property!

By this time you know what you want, and you are empowered to get it. The critical process is behind you and negotiations begin.  Brandy is a Masters Club agent, with the skills and resources to negotiate the best terms based on your market.

Rest assured you are ready and you have the team behind you to make it happen.